SmartICT Consolle
Console system on wheels with built-in contact mechanics
MEC3 manual contact system with useful area of 400mm x 230mm
Scanner test-point expandable to module 32. Maximum number of test points: 1280.
Interface with the main processor and memory programmers
Measurement of short circuits, interruptions, resistances, capacitances, inductances, diodes, zener diodes, transient, mosfet, pin welds, operational amplifiers, relays, opt isolators
Possibility of programming complex test sequences through an integrated Horus development environment
Intuitive and immediate error display
Unlimited storage of test sequences even on a central server
Management of reports for archiving or printing and interfacing with complex databases
Management of label and certificate printers
Management of operators with level passwords, work shifts, serial numbers, and bar-codes
Remote support
Possibility of remote control, monitoring and driving through custom-made web interfaces